A Ehrwalder Almbahn
gesloten in voorbereiding open
B 6er Ganghofer
gesloten in voorbereiding open
C 6er Gaistal
gesloten in voorbereiding open
D 6er Issental
gesloten in voorbereiding open
E Hochbrand
gesloten in voorbereiding open
F Klämmli
gesloten in voorbereiding open
G Mini
gesloten in voorbereiding open
H Kinderland
gesloten in voorbereiding open
gesloten in voorbereiding open
gesloten in voorbereiding open
gesloten in voorbereiding open
gesloten in voorbereiding open
gesloten in voorbereiding open
DIDIs Spielplatz
gesloten in voorbereiding open

8er-Cabin "Ehrwalder Almbahn"

8er-Cabin "Ehrwalder Almbahn"

opened on15.12.2001
Cable height at the valley station1.115,20 m
Cable height at the mountain station 1.508,70 m
Altitude difference 393,50 m
Horizontal track length2.238,75 m
Operating length (diagonal length) 2.275,27 m
Central incline 17,58 %
Maximum incline38,00 %
Number of pylons 17
Track width5,20 m
Method of travel 
Number of cabins99
Capacity8 Personen
Optimum load 640 kg
Distance between cabins51,43 m
Operating Process 
Nominal speed5 m/sec.
Time between cabins 10,29 sec.
Fastest travel time 7,58 min
Capacity 2.800 Pers./h
Power capacity720 kW

6 Pers. Chairlift "Ganghofer Blitz"

6 Pers. Chairlift "Ganghofer Blitz"

Cable height at the valley station1.279,50 m 
Cable height at the mountain station1.694,50
Altitude difference415 m
Horizontal track length1.582 m 
Operating length (diagonal length)1.640,76 m
Central incline26,23 %
Maximum incline60,00 %
Number of Pylons13
Track width5,50 m
Method of travel 
Number of chairs78
Optimum load480 kg
Distance between chairs45 m
Nominal speed5 m/sec.
Time between chairs11,25 sec.
Capacity2.400 Pers./h
Power capacity560 kW
Cable diameter43 mm

6 pers. Chairlift "Gaistal"

6 pers. Chairlift "Gaistal"

Built2007, opened on 01.12.2007
Cable height at the valley station1.527,20 m
Cable height at the mountain station1.871,20 m
Altitude difference344,0 m
Horizontal track length1.173,50 m
Operating length (diagonal length)1.241,40 m
Central incline29,3 %
Maximum incline79 %
Number of pylons15, davon eine Zweifachstütze
Track width6,1 m
Method of travel  
Number of chairs70
Nominal capacity480 kg
Distance between chairs38,57 m
Method of transport 
Nominal speed5 m/sec.
Time between chairs7,71 sec.
Fastest travel time4,52 min
Capacity2.800 Pers/h
Power capacity500 kW
Cable diameter45 mm

6 pers. Chairlift "Issentalkopf"

6 pers. Chairlift "Issentalkopf"

Cable height at the valley station1.485 m
Cable height at the mountain station1.923 m
Altitude difference440 m
Length1.306 m
Number of Pylons13
Number of chairs80
Nominal speed5 m/sec.
Capacity2.880 Pers/h
Cable diameter48 mm

Drag lift "Hochbrand"

Drag lift "Hochbrand"

Cable height at the valley station1.421 m
Cable height at the mountain station1.694 m
Altitude difference273 m
Length805 m
Nominal speed3,2 m/sec.
Capacity1.300 Pers/h

Drag lift "Klämmli"

Drag lift "Klämmli"

Cable height at the valley station1.500 m
Cable height at the mountain station1.603 m
Altitude difference103 m
Length486 m
Nominal speed3 m/sec.
Capacity1.200 Pers/h

Impounding reservoir

Impounding reservoir

Total capacity70.000 m³
Water area11.600 m²
Height of embankment1.466 m
Reservoir length320 m
Reservoir width4 m
Maximum water level1.465 m
Freeboard1 m
Deepest point of reservoir1.455 m (tiefster Punkt)
Maximum storage height10 m
Maximum reservoir height14 m
Total area of reservoir incl. embankment23.000 m² (inkl. Böschungen)